Saturday 13 March 2010

Mormor anlander!

Yippiee! Mum's coming tonight and I can't wait! It's been so long since she was here and I can't wait for her to see Jackson.
He's grown so much lately and he's turning into a proper little boy!

Speaking of which, we went to a baby birthday party (the first of many - we have 6 booked already!! Eeek, expensive business this!), and as always we went with Jackson best mate, Harry H. We got to the party and most of the babies where a bit older than him so I thought that he might be intimidated... I couldn't have been more wrong!!

He jumped off my lap and was crawling around with the older children, stealing their toys and messing about. Although I had to keep moving him away from the kids when he got too rough with them, I was so proud! He's such a tough little boy and so very confident! He's also very socialble and keeps flirting with all the ladies. :-)

Farmor bought him some new shoes from Clarks and these fab leather slippers, amazing! Thank you Granny!

But like I said, today Mormor will arrive and I really can't wait! As the weather here is so gorgeous I'm planning long walks around the Drome and perhaps a little visit to London...

Friday 12 March 2010


Har ar tva filmer - den ena fran ett Svenskt vinterland och den andra sno (?!) i England...


Thursday 4 March 2010

The wee man

My beautiful boy - My pride and Joy

7 Truths

7 Truths

Since Millis challenged me I need to produce some answer... So here goes:

1. I Love my job

Fact. I absolutely love teaching my kids at drama school. I think it's a rare thing nowadays which is a shame. I still act and write too which is fantastic.

2. Self obsessed people - ARGH!

Cannot stand them. Newsflash - The world doesn't revolve around you, most people are too busy with their own lives to give a monkies. Sadly, in my line of work, they are everywhere!

3. I Love to be Right

Can't help it, but I do love when I'm right. Which I am most of the time.

4. I Love Planning

This is a bit of a secret one, and most people wouldn't know this - but I actually love to plan things! I tend to pretend I'm a spur of the moment person, but in all honestly I'm all about planning... And planning... And planning...

5. I Love to throw a Party

I absolutely love to throw a good party and to have my friends and family over. If there's an occassion, (any occassion will do), you can be sure that I'm planning a big party! I've had a few through the years and now with Jackson in my life there will be lots and lots more parties in the future! His first birthday party is coming up soon...

6. I Love to try new things/experience new things

I'm always looking for new things to learn and read up on. The next item on my loooooong list is scuba diving and sign language... I honestly think that we are here to learn, and it will only make your life richer and more meaningful. One secret fave of mine is Science mags... Yup, it's true.

7. I like the Supernatural

There are so many things we can't explain and I don't believe in "what you see is what you get". I think Spirituality is very important and we have somehow lost it - or some of it anyway. I'm not sure exactly what I believe in yet, I'm still searching and shopping around but the supernatural is intriguing... The truth is out there.