Monday 23 August 2010

New Additions

My family is growing!

I'm now an auntie again (for the 10th time!) and great aunt for the second, so I think I'm getting pretty good at this.

Little Charlie is big and snuggly, with lots of dark hair! I got plenty of cuddles and he was so nice to me and didn't cry once! Good lad!
Bro seemed like he was coping well with being a father of two. It can't be easy and I don't envy him! Though he has always had a good way with kids, they always love him, and I've no doubt he will settle in just fine.
Charlie was all but fresh from the hospital and it was lovely that I got to see the little bundle!

I met my Great nephew for the first time this week and he is an adorable little boy. He seemed to really like me too and flattered my ego with plenty of smiles and giggles. Another good lad!

All this baby business made me think of timings though.

There's that saying: "There's never a good time to have a baby!".

How does one know? I mean, what should one actually base this on?

Should you base it on your financial situation?
Can you actually afford another mouth to feed, nappies to be bought, an abundance of baby parahanelia to be purchased and invade your life and home?
Don't get me started on buggy prices!

Or perhaps you base it on your private life. Are you happy and content?
Having children, however lovely, does put a massive strain on your relationship. There are bound to be cracks and if there were some before then they may get even bigger.
On the other hand they may not - I have friends who say that their relationship changed for the better immediately after childbirth.
Then your home itself.. Have you got space? I never really consider this at first. I mean, how much space can a child take up right? The answer is: more space than you will ever have.

Then there's your career to consider.
Regardless of your profession and your arrangements at home - the woman is more likely to stay at home for the most part, if not for the whole part.
It is very hard to get back into the rat race and for someone like me, in the ever- searching-youth-elixir field then the clock is always against you.
There's only so much time I can take off in order not to fall off the bandwagon. Or choose to stay off.
However much I love acting and writing, my priorities have undoubtedly changed.

If it's your second then timings are crucial - especially as you have to factor in your firstborn. This is a whole different ballgame alltogether.
Do you go for the two year gap or the three year gap? Or do you wait even longer? Or, as for some of my friends, as little as a year?
You want to make sure that your first child isn't neglected when they baby arrives but also give space for number two to grow and feel special...

I guess, in the end, you just have to go with what feels best for you.
Perhaps there's never a good time. But then, maybe there's never a bad time either?

Thursday 19 August 2010


I received some lovely, belated birthday gifts from my family, all very useful, nice and very generous, but I'm really excited about one of these:

I'm going to have some professional photos done!
Not for me mind you, but for Jackson. I've wanted to have these kind of photos done for absolutely ages so I'm tres excited!
My niece had some done of her daughter and they were beautiful.

Check out her website:

We had some studio photos done of Jackson when he was six months old so seems rather fitting that we take some outside ones now.

We're meant to meet this Sunday in a park in Norrköping so I'll update the blogg as and when I get the photos back.

I'm going to see my mini-nephew Levi today and I'm so excited! Can't wait to give him a snuggle! I've seen his photos on Facebook and he's super cute!

Also - completely unrelated - but I was asked to provide an I.D today when I wanted to buy cigarettes. Still have it, don't I?


Wednesday 18 August 2010


So we're finally back in Sweden and it feels great. What a relief!

We came home via Edinburgh, which must be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which we had been visiting for the notorious Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Mum, Jackson and I were exploring the city and surroundings whilts Brooks was preparing for a month long stint at the Theatre Festival with "Rule of Three" and "Brooks and Boris".

We went on a coach trip to Glasgow, Loch Lomond and Sterling (and it's stunning castle!). It was a breath-taking tour and really did open up my eyes to the unspoiled beauty of Scotland.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Edinburgh festival - check it out:

We had a great time, and it was a welcomed break after a week of teaching dance and drama at Summer school.
Summer school was a success, albeit a LOT of work! I was absolutely shattered at the end of it...
It was definitely worth it though and the kids did ever so well at their show. I was very proud!
Mum was over baby sitting and they had such a lovely time together. He was so happy to see her and they where out walking around the park every day.

Once in Sweden my dear family have been visiting us and Jackson has been spoiled rotten! It's been fantastic seeing them all and I realise how much I actually miss them.
Mum and dad have been helping out loads with Jackson so that I can have lie-ins and I'm so grateful. It's hard taking care of a child on your own so any help is welcomed!
I got to sleep in to eleven the other day! Eleven! (My family and old friends will say that I always used to sleep that long... Definintely pre-baby!!)

Check out the photos from Scotland!