Friday 22 October 2010

Playground Ethics

There are some unwritten rules when it comes to the playground.

Basically - keep an eye on your offspring and make sure he/she doesn't wack/bite/push any other kids. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Sadly, it doesn't always work like that.

I don't know how many times other children have pushed past my little angel in the queue up the climbing frame, making him fall over and bump his head.
I try and not make too much of a fuss - though I feel like shouting: "Oi! Don't push in you little brat!! Can't you see that there is a queue?! You need to learn to wait your turn! Do that again and I'll throw you in the duckpond!!.
Then I remember that the child is five and shouldn't be responsible for his/her actions really. Morever, I would only make him/her cry and that's awkward. Also, had had one too many coffees that morning so was sort of wired.

At the end of the day, it's up to their mum to control their little angel. However, ormally she'll be standing somewhere over by the gates gossiping with the other mums, completely oblivious to the drama her child is causing.

So through gritted teeth I ask (nicely mind!) the other child to mind Jackson as he's only little, etc, etc.
The monster in question then turns to me and says with pursed lips:
"Whatever. You're not my mum!"
Monster then turns around, pushes Jackson over again and runs over to the slide.

Aaaaand the new Olympic sport iiiiis: "Throw in-duck-pond with little four year oooold!"

If only.

The other rules, which includes queuing again, (Brits love a good queue, don't they?), regards the swings. Kids love them. Parents love them. So if your little darling is on one chances are there will be a long queue of other kids waiting to get on them.
But there are the are hoggers... There's not much we can do about them. This breed of parents seem absolutely oblivious to the long queue of children crying, "I waaant to goo on the swiiiiiiing!!".
Asides from actually pushing their child off the swings there is not much you can do part from asking them to hurry the hell on.

PLaygrounds are great for making your child run off all that energy and that - but it's mighty tireing for mum...

Mind you... It is a very good oppertunity to catch up on the gossip!