Tuesday 20 July 2010

Signing for babies?

Jackson signing "CAT"

Jackson and I have been going to baby Singing classes now for some time and I must admit, I was a bit sceptical in the beginning....

I mean seriously, why and what's the point right?

Well, I have been pleasantly surprised and I now swear by it!

Jackson signs all day long - he absolutely loves it! He signs when he's tired, hungry, thirsty, needs a nappy change and he signs things like airplane, cat (his favourite - at the moment all animals are cats... Must work on that one!), car and biscuit.

I was a bit surprised when he started using the signs at home.. I guess I wasn't sure that he knew what he was doing, if he was just using random gestures - but I can tell know that this is his way of communicating his needs to me.
It's truly amazing and as he's so good at it, I feel encouraged to do it more too.

This particular signing class is based on Makaton and BSL and so it's easy and straightforward. Sadly, I won't be able to use it for Swedish as it's designed for the British language (although some signs are based on ASL!).
I'm really keen to get something similar started in Sweden actually... Does anyone know if there are classes??

Anyway, I've been reading lots of articles on the subject and here are some interesting factors:

1. Signing with you baby does not mean that your child won't learn how to speak or slower. On the contrary - it has proven to improve language and comprehension skills.
2. Researchers found that eight-year-olds who had learned a simple form of baby sign language using invented signs did better on IQ tests than comparable children who had not learned baby sign language.

I get very excited and passionate about something when I can see that it works so I can't stress this enough - try it! It really does work!

One thing to keep in mind though:


It'll only work if you keep doing it, again and again and again...

A little bit more info if you are interested:


Monday 5 July 2010

Busy be me

Wowser! It's been a busy few weeks!

For my birthday my friends and I went to the All Star Lanes in Holborn which was fantastic!! I love the American fifties feel to the place and the food and drinks were great. My team won the bowling challenge which was a bonus too. I didn't manage a strike but a few spares so all good there!
(Also - as it was my birthday I got a free drink and a birthday card from All star - nice touch!)

I spent my actual birthday in a lovely Spa Hotel with B and the wee man - AMAZING!! We had room service, went swimming in teh pool and went shopping in St Albans. My boyfriend is the best!

Maria and Marlene were over from Sweden and we had a great weekened! It was so much fun - we went to Camden Town for some shopping and people watching. Always a great day out!

My newphew Alex and Josefin have been visiting too. We had a great time - they were super helpfull and very generous so we were all sad to see them too. (Especially the wee man who clearly has a soft spot for Josefin - it must be all teh hugs and cuddles she gives him!!)
It was a fun filled week and although Jackson was recovering from his op - he managed very well.
I went with them to London Bridge and teh London Dungeons. I've been many times and i still LOVE IT!

Jackson had his operation and although it was the most stressful, weirdest and emotional so far (bar giving birth!!)- it all went well. I'm so, so proud of my little boy. So brave! I'm so blessed to have him.

Back to "normal" now (whatever that may be!) and at the moment we're plugging the Summer school... Fingers super crossed!!

Also - job interview tomorrow so think happy thoughts for me!