Sunday 21 November 2010


So it turns out I have a stone in my tummy.

I mean, I can't actually feel it moving about as such, but I know it's there. I've seen it. Live on TV!

Lying there on the familiar ultrasound chair, almost expecting the ultrasound-man to say "and there's the baby!" - I was really nervous as he was moving the stick-thingy around over my tummy.
The doctors had been running test all day, ranging from x-rays, EKG-ing and now this so I was knackered and worried.

The man grunts and nods slowly.
I almost panic. This is is. I have some weird, really unusal disease and I only have five hours to live...

The man looks at me blankly and goes:

"Yup. It's a stone alright."

I gasp and look at the black mass on the blurry screen.
In comparison to the gallbladder itself it's massive! I'm strangly impressed and repulsed at the same time.

"Do you think I need an operation?" I ask tentatively.

I didn't heal so well last time I was cut open and so I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect.
He looks at the stone on the screen again.

"Yes. It's just going to get worse from now." he says plainly. "Alright, better get going now. Busy day today!"

I'm rushed out from the room and back to my ward for more testing. Nurses and doctors all come up to ask how I'm feeling and if I need more painkillers etc. Thruthfully, (part from feeling starving from the nil-by-mouth malarkey!), I felt fine. Just like normal even.

The difference, I suppose, was that I know knew that something is wrong. I had just seen it with my own eyes.

And that was a good feeling.

A few years ago I went to our family doctor back home complaning about stomach pains and bloating. I knew that something was wrong and I was desperate for someone to help me.
That particular doctor thought it may be gallstones, but he was also quick to add that "I'm too young for such illnesses." (Oh great. So glad to be the exception!)

I went to my GP and she was adamant that I had IBS. There was NO waaaaay I could have gallstones!
Now, I know people with IBS and I've read lots about it and some of them suffer so badly, they can't leave the house. My pains would come and and go, and completely random.
It didn't feel right somehow. I knew something was wrong!
So I asked again if she could send me for a scan. She almost laughed in my face and said, in a round-about way, that it would be a waste of everyone's time.

I soon after fell pregnant and my priorities changed. I would still have pains but was busy listening out for my baby.

My point of all that is - stick to your guns.

I mean it.

I should have done. I knew something was wrong. I wish I had followed my gut feeling (no pun intended!) and forced them to give me an ultrasound.

"If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want." ~Elbert Hubbard