Monday 21 May 2012

The King of Douchebagestan.

The King of Douchebagestan. So the kids I teach performed on Saturday. They were truly amazing! I was so proud! The dances went like a dream, as did the two songs. They looked really confident and they were enjoying it, which is the main thing at the end of the day. However, one man, let’s call him the king of Douchebagestan, decided to mess with the wrong woman. As they were performing their last number, a big choir group were walking past the stage to get back stage ahead of their performance (They were on after us) Not only was it distracting having a big group of singers sneaking past the stage as the kids were singing – but the King of Douchebagestan tought it would be a good idea to shout – Yes shout – instructions to one of his choir members right next to me. Just off stage. Yes. That’s right. Right next to the stage where my 6 -13 year old children were performing. He was obviously trying to shout over their lovely singing. After a little while I turned around and asked them to be quiet. The stage manager and one of his performers (who were also involved in the conversation), said sorry straight away whereas the King of Douchebagestan simply says: “Eeer. It’s not like the audience is going to hear me. I’m standing right to the speaker.” Erm. Exactly. You’re standing next to the speaker – just off stage – shouting. I was actually stunned and slowly turned around, thinking that I didn’t want to create a scene in the middle of the kids’ performance. After they had performed and the kids were safely out of earshot I could see the King of Douchebagestan walking backstage. I was already explaining to Brooks what had happened. I was still fuming and so I approached him. He clearly needed a lesson in stage craft/professional attitude/general lesson on how one should behave in life towards other human beings (And a make-over, the man was over 60 and was wearing a brown leather jacket! Anyway, that’s beside the point). Again he huffs: It’s not like the audience would hear me! At this point, he’s only a few inches away from me. I’m in no way backing off, I felt like I was protecting my children. . I say that he is rude. What he did is disrespectful. The kids could hear him. We were still performing; he had no right to start shouting in the middle of our performance. Again the King of Douchebagestan laughs and says: I think you got your knickers in a bit of a twist. I can’t express my feelings at this remark. It’s so unbelievable rude, sexist, belittling and unprofessional. At this point he was tad too menacing so luckily B was there to push him away saying: okay, that’s enough from you. You’re sexist and rude, you need to go now!! The man laughs and walks away. Soon after one of the stage managers approach me to ask what had happened. I tell her the whole story and she says that he’s been rude and just terrible to all stage staff and that they would not be rebooking them next year. Karma King of Douchebagestan.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Busy busy busy

We got back from Sweden late last night. K and R came to pick us up which was lovely of them. Jackson was so happy to see Granny and Gramps!

The flight went really well part from Jackson fell as we were boarding and hit his head really badly and consequently vomited everywhere! Poor little man!
He was okay though and the flight over was pretty un eventful. It just amazes me how good he is with flying. He just settles in straight away and knows the drill. He never cries or makes a fuss. Just brilliant. Jackson is pretty good at this flying malarkey as well.

Anyway, got back and unpacked somewhat and then we had Jackson's birthday party today at Parents Paradise. It was fantastic and Jackson (and indeed B and I) had a brilliant time! They were very good actually - we got our own "party room" with food, drinks, ice cream and unlimited play. I think all of Jackson's little friends enjoyed themselves too.
(Parents Paradise is a big indoor soft play area - well worth a visit!)

At the moment I should be packing for Spain but I'm sooooooooo tired... Need to get myself motivated. I'm looking forward to going but I'm not looking forward to not seeing my boys for five days!
I'm going to Madrid with work and even though I'm sure it'll be amazing I know it'll be full on with company visits and lectures. I'm very lucky to get to travel with work so shouldn't complain!

Sweden was great. Very busy and stressful, didn't have time to see anyone part from Carin, but it was productive and we got loads done for the wedding. May have to come back in May again. Will have a look on Ryanairs website to see what flights are at the moment.
Basically we're trying to sort stuff on the island to make it more habitable. The old fishing huts are quaint, but are not particularly user friendly at the moment!
It will be awesome though I think.

Have been busy on eBay buying tons of trinkets and whatnots for the wedding... It's exciting times, I can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Dum, dum di dum...

Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year

We've now been engaged for a whole year - exciting!

I honestly cannot wait to get married. It feels more real now and things are falling into place. Everyone's getting involved in the planning and things are being booked and paid for... Eeeek!

I went to see a florist in Valdemarsvik the other day. I really like her shop and I've seen some of her work on her blog. She's going to send over some more pictures and examples. She seemed enthusiastic which is always nice. You basically want someone who's service minded and nice to be around/talk to. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why some people go into people facing professions when they clearly don't like it!?

Anyway - she clearly is in the right profession, hurrah, and so I was very happy with our first meeting.

Here's her website:

We also met our photographer, Matilda. We both really like her and absolutely love her photos! She is lovely - she's easy to be around, seems chilled yet obviously knows what she's doing and just has a very nice, warm aura if you like. Most pleased!

She's a really busy lady, and I'm really not surprised - her photos are fab! Have a look at her website -

I've been working on my scrapbook as well. It's coming along nicely and can't wait to show my mum - she's going to love the level of organisation. I think she's a bit worried that I'm not organised enough?! Er... I run a degree programme, a business with B as well as being a mother... I think I can handle a wedding!

But I do see why people get stressed out. There is a lot of organising to do! Especially when getting married abroad for that matter and having a wedding blessing at home.

My lovely friend CPK made my day the other day. As a wedding gift she's going to sort out our wedding music... I honestly couldn't be happier!! I LOVE that I have such amazing and talanted friends! I knew there must have been a reason to why I studied Performing Arts...

We're off to Southampton this weekend to visit some friends and then it's B's birthday next week. B's actually off filming in Milan (lucky bugger!) so I'll be holding down the fort on my own.
I've got him tickets to see La Soiree for his birthday. I loved the show when I went before Christmas so I'm hoping he'll feel the same. We're going to stay over in a hotel on the Saturday night, making it even more special. Yay!

I'm feeling very positive about 2012 so far. It's going to be a great year.