Tuesday 22 September 2009


Flippin heck! I know that people say that the most stressful things you can go through/do in life are:

1. Buying a House
2. Getting married
3. Having a baby

So you would think by having achieved number three and still not having killed my partner (nor him me), we should be okay with the rest?

Well, can't say much about the marrying part but we are in process of buying a house and boy - IT IS STRESSFUL!

Now, I must admit that poor B does get the brunt of it all.
He has to handle all the calls and paper work back and forth, and I know that he's stressed out already as it is.
He is an absolute rock and I can honestly say that I don't know what I'd do without him...

Anyhooo... It seems to maybe, perhaps, possibly be moving forwards. It has changed so many times and all because of this little thing called a "LEASE"... Bugger to it all I say! "A plague on both your houses". Well... No, I don't want that really, but you understand what I'm getting at here.

I just hope it gets sorted, I really just want to move in to our house!

So fingers crossed people!

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Warm in September?!

Phew! It's been crazy hot today! Well... I say crazy hot, when it's actually only been quite warm but because it's so unusual it took everyone by surprise! It was really sunny and I got away with wearing a skirt and vest - yeay!

I went to the park and met up with E and T for a lovely picnic. It was beautiful and it was nice to catch up with the girls. I didn't get to speak to them properly at Jackson's party. Isn't that funny how you never seem to have time to talk to anyone when it's your party but when you go to someone's party you do?
Parita also came around for a chat which was great as I haven't seen her in soooo long. She may be going to Kenya... We ARE definitely going out to visit her. Africa here we go!

Speaking of Jackson's Party, his "Welcome to the World" party was this weekend and it was great! Really, really lovely. So many people turned up and Jackson got some amazing gifts - people were so generous. I had a smashing time too and I think Jackson enjoyed it although it was tricky with all the attention. Everyone wanted to cuddle him and hold him and in the end he was rather fretful. Who can blame him?

The food spread was AMAZING! Granny and Gramps had done a fabulous job. There were pizzas, different cold meats, nuts, crisps, sandwiches, scones, cakes, cakes, cakes and more cakes! Jackson's pirate cake was fantastic! A proper "skatt kista"!

I'm going out with the girls tomorrow - Whoohoooo! We're going out for dinner and drinks in Watford. I'm really looking forward to it, it'll be great to feel a bit normal and have the evening off! (But I know me, I'll just end up missing Bubba!)

Summer is not giving up. Ah... I love it!!

Monday 7 September 2009


Holiday again!

Brooks, Jackson and I drove down to Brighton yesterday for another little mini holiday. We were staying right on the seafront and although the hotel was pretty basic, (Travelodge), it was very comfy and clean.

I LOVE Brighton. I really do! It's funny though how much it makes me think of a sort of "Camden by the sea". It's very arty and relaxed but there are also more posher bits, like say Richmond, Chiswick or even Ricky... I would absolutely love to live here. We even looked at house prices and we could possibly afford a nice house...
And it's not that far to London either, only about an hour by car! I think trains would be expensive though which is a minus as Brooks has to commute.

Today was gorgeous, sunny and warm! We strolled down the beach front and went down the Pier. It was so lovely. We walked around and have coffees and watched the world go by... Bliss!

We went down the Lanes and we saw some amazing baby shops... Brighton is full of preggers and yummy mummies and the shops are there to tempt them all! (And me!) I bought some lovely things for Jackson new room - it's going to look great when it's all done! We also got him a shirt from Baby Gap, they had a sale on and I just couldn't resist!

Speaking of buying stuff - The ELC had a sale on this weekend and we bought some brilliant stuff for Jackson! We got him a sun tent/sandpit, a wooden walker and a pool for the garden. Amazing! I'm so pleased! Such a shame that they closing down although apparantly they'll keep their stuff at Mothercare...

Anyhooo... Brooks is back at work tomorrow so back to normal for Jackson and I!

Friday 4 September 2009


It's really starting to feel like it's Autumn here now.

I was really cold when I got up this morning and had to turn the heating on! Although I'll mourn the end of summer, I'm also looking forward to cosy lie ins with Bubba, sipping hot chocolate and watching GMTV in bed! I put my slippers on and put Jackson in his long sleeved babygrow.

I'm looking to start weaning Jackson now. Well, I've already started it as he has baby rice/cereal for breakfast but I'm going to introduce sweet potatoes next week. I wonder if he'll like it or not! He's not overly keen on the baby rice to be honest. He still seems more interested in the bottle/breast. I'm not worried, nor am I in a hurry. We'll take it slow and Jackson will lead the way!

I was pleased to find out that the ice cubes that Milla uses for her baby can be bought in England! I rang her to see where she'd bought them (little round flowers - perfect size!) as I thought that mum could perhaps then buy some and bring over when she comes to visit but luckily they can be bought in Ikea! Yeay!
I'm going to make a big batch of food and then freeze it. I refuse to buy ready made - it's just way too expensive!!

I'm going to try and take Jackson to the clinic today. I really do need to have him weighed, I've no idea how much he weighs! (I haven't been there since before Sweden). I'm sure that he's fine though, he doesn't seem malnourished.

Brooks mum and stepdad are throwing a Welcome party for Jackson. We looked over the guest list and there are about fifty people coming! Eeek! Well, if everyone turns up at the same time and depending on the weather then we might be in trouble.
It's so lovely of them to organise the party. Brooks and I don't have to do a thing, just turn up and enjoy the party, as it were! What a wonderful treat?!

I have to pack (again!) later today as we're off to Brighton on Sunday, staying over to Tuesday morning and I probably won't have time nor the energy to that tomorrow. We've been travelling loads recently. Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to get away and I love hotels!

New Blog

Hi and welcome to my new blog!

If you don't know me then read on as it'll give you an idea of who I am:

Introduction: I'm a thirty - something woman who recently gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy called Jackson. It was an amazing experience and I loved being pregnant and I absolutely love to watch Jackson grow and learn new things every day.
I live with my partner B in Hertfordshire and we're just in the process of buying our first property! (Major stress element!!).
I was born in Sweden, on the east coast just south of Stockholm and moved to the U.K in 2001 to study drama. I do miss Sweden a lot, and much more now when I have a family of my own, but luckily I can always jump on a budget airline and be there in three hours!

I work as a drama teacher although at the moment I'm on maternity leave. I have a fantastic network of friends and try and fill my days with all sorts of activities for Jackson and I. ("Baby singing" being one of them... )

Happy reading folks!