Thursday 18 February 2010

Crawling, walking, talking

Lock every cupboard, close every door, move any liquids, powders, grains and whatsnots from the floor that are slightly edible, Hoover three times a day (Jeez), and mop the floor four times a day and never, never drop your guard.

Yes - that's right - my baby is now crawling like there's no tomorrow! He suddenly just realised what had to be done from months of shuffling and comado crawling. We got home from Sweden on the Sunday, I put him down on the floor and off he went - Amazing!
It's great to have him finally moving around, albeit dangerous as everything is a hazard!

But he didn't stop there. No, two days after he had sussed the crawling malarky he decided to upgrade is now crusing around the flat. He pulls himself up, walks around the first sofa, one to the next sofa by the window, then the table - round and round in a circle and he seems utterly content with himself.

It's absolutely amazing when you see your child progress and I'm very excited to see what's next.

The BAFTA's on Sunday - I'm SO excited! Not only is my dear friend P and C coming on Friday to stay, but we have a baby sitter OVERNIGHT (check us out) which means I will have my first full night of sleep in about a year!! AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
Then again, I am going to the BAFTA's and intend to party all night long! So maybe there won't be time for any sleep after all? I can't wait to see all the celebs, so exciting! I love, love, love the awards!

Then daddy arrives on Monday which is fab. He's been looking forward to seeing Jackson so it's going to be really nice having him here. I'm planning to go into London and do some shopping, (albeit window - shopping), and maybe see some sights. Depends what dad would like to do actually, must remember to ask him today!


  1. Gu vad härligt att han tar sig fram men som sagt det är bu man lär sig verkligen vad det innebär att barnsäkra =).
    Ser fram emot lite bilder sen när ni cruisar nerför röda mattan.
    Puss puss
