Monday 5 October 2009


So, I'm back at work again. I went back last Friday and although I had a nice day all in all, the novelty has definitely worn off and now I can't stand it.

There are lost of changes and I can't remember how to do anything so I suppose that has something to do with it. I feel completely out of it and I don't like it. I would prefer to feel like I was in charge of things, that I knew what was going on. I guess because you have to be so switched on as a mum, that this "lull" stage just really annoys me.

Mind you - this is only day two so maybe I'm asking too much of myself. I'm not a patient person really. I like things to be done quickly and efficiently. I don't like all this faff!

Anyhooo... My dear mother is over helping me look after Jackson and so far it's going really well. She loves spending time with him and he absolutely LOVES his mormor - it's so funny!

I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday so hopefully the weather will stay dry so we can go to the park. Er... What am I saying?! This is England remember - it always rains!

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