Tuesday 22 September 2009


Flippin heck! I know that people say that the most stressful things you can go through/do in life are:

1. Buying a House
2. Getting married
3. Having a baby

So you would think by having achieved number three and still not having killed my partner (nor him me), we should be okay with the rest?

Well, can't say much about the marrying part but we are in process of buying a house and boy - IT IS STRESSFUL!

Now, I must admit that poor B does get the brunt of it all.
He has to handle all the calls and paper work back and forth, and I know that he's stressed out already as it is.
He is an absolute rock and I can honestly say that I don't know what I'd do without him...

Anyhooo... It seems to maybe, perhaps, possibly be moving forwards. It has changed so many times and all because of this little thing called a "LEASE"... Bugger to it all I say! "A plague on both your houses". Well... No, I don't want that really, but you understand what I'm getting at here.

I just hope it gets sorted, I really just want to move in to our house!

So fingers crossed people!

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