Thursday 14 January 2010

Juggling things

My son is amazing. He was sat in the car all afternoon as I was taking T around the area to do leaflet drops. I didn't want to do it, but we have to get more kids to sign up to our school - so have no choice. Bless him, he was a bit upset at time and had enough at around four but we had managed to target most schools by then.

We'll have to do some more leafleting tomorrow, fingers crossed that they provide some interest!

It was B's birthday yesterday so his mum, stepdad and Granny came over and we all had a curry and watched the football. (Unfortunately Liverpool lost - darn!). It was lovely but by eleven thirthy we were both absolutely knackared! We had planned to watch a film but I think we'll have to wait until the weekend.

Actually - I think we all need a holiday. We're both so, so stressed and it's really taking its toll. I just hope that it'll all get sorted. We're meant to start on the 30th... Eeek!

I'm finding it hard to juggle everything at the moment. Looking after a baby is a full time job in itself and then having to sort stuff on the side is hard work. Mind you, if I intend to work from home I need to learn how to manage. B's having a mare at work too - so that's not helping.

It can only getbetter from here though right?

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