Monday 18 January 2010

Should be writing

I should be writing but I can't seem to bring myself to get going. Actually there are tons of things I should be doing. J is having a little power nap and as I've already cleaned up the flat I thought I could get some me-time!

B has been really unwell all weekend. It started last week but escalated over the weekend and he was really poorly. It was unfortunate, and so typical. He also had to rehearse this Sunday so he was off all day. Luckily Farmor and Farfar babysat J so that I could clean up this mess!

The BAFTA'S are coming up soon. P and C are travelling over to see us which is great! I just hope that B can sort out tickets - it would be amazing! The Golden Globes are today so it'll be interesting to see where the awards go... I looooove watching the awards ceremony, it's so shiny and fake! Love it!

I really should get going with my writing.... Might just phone mum instead though for a little chat...

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