Tuesday 8 September 2009

Warm in September?!

Phew! It's been crazy hot today! Well... I say crazy hot, when it's actually only been quite warm but because it's so unusual it took everyone by surprise! It was really sunny and I got away with wearing a skirt and vest - yeay!

I went to the park and met up with E and T for a lovely picnic. It was beautiful and it was nice to catch up with the girls. I didn't get to speak to them properly at Jackson's party. Isn't that funny how you never seem to have time to talk to anyone when it's your party but when you go to someone's party you do?
Parita also came around for a chat which was great as I haven't seen her in soooo long. She may be going to Kenya... We ARE definitely going out to visit her. Africa here we go!

Speaking of Jackson's Party, his "Welcome to the World" party was this weekend and it was great! Really, really lovely. So many people turned up and Jackson got some amazing gifts - people were so generous. I had a smashing time too and I think Jackson enjoyed it although it was tricky with all the attention. Everyone wanted to cuddle him and hold him and in the end he was rather fretful. Who can blame him?

The food spread was AMAZING! Granny and Gramps had done a fabulous job. There were pizzas, different cold meats, nuts, crisps, sandwiches, scones, cakes, cakes, cakes and more cakes! Jackson's pirate cake was fantastic! A proper "skatt kista"!

I'm going out with the girls tomorrow - Whoohoooo! We're going out for dinner and drinks in Watford. I'm really looking forward to it, it'll be great to feel a bit normal and have the evening off! (But I know me, I'll just end up missing Bubba!)

Summer is not giving up. Ah... I love it!!

1 comment:

  1. Nämen var det en tårta?Jag trodde det var en skattkista???? Bra gjort=)
    Låter som ni hade en underbar dag, tråkigt att vi inte kunde vara där och fira honom ordentligt=( Kramar till han!
