Friday 4 September 2009

New Blog

Hi and welcome to my new blog!

If you don't know me then read on as it'll give you an idea of who I am:

Introduction: I'm a thirty - something woman who recently gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy called Jackson. It was an amazing experience and I loved being pregnant and I absolutely love to watch Jackson grow and learn new things every day.
I live with my partner B in Hertfordshire and we're just in the process of buying our first property! (Major stress element!!).
I was born in Sweden, on the east coast just south of Stockholm and moved to the U.K in 2001 to study drama. I do miss Sweden a lot, and much more now when I have a family of my own, but luckily I can always jump on a budget airline and be there in three hours!

I work as a drama teacher although at the moment I'm on maternity leave. I have a fantastic network of friends and try and fill my days with all sorts of activities for Jackson and I. ("Baby singing" being one of them... )

Happy reading folks!

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