Friday 4 September 2009


It's really starting to feel like it's Autumn here now.

I was really cold when I got up this morning and had to turn the heating on! Although I'll mourn the end of summer, I'm also looking forward to cosy lie ins with Bubba, sipping hot chocolate and watching GMTV in bed! I put my slippers on and put Jackson in his long sleeved babygrow.

I'm looking to start weaning Jackson now. Well, I've already started it as he has baby rice/cereal for breakfast but I'm going to introduce sweet potatoes next week. I wonder if he'll like it or not! He's not overly keen on the baby rice to be honest. He still seems more interested in the bottle/breast. I'm not worried, nor am I in a hurry. We'll take it slow and Jackson will lead the way!

I was pleased to find out that the ice cubes that Milla uses for her baby can be bought in England! I rang her to see where she'd bought them (little round flowers - perfect size!) as I thought that mum could perhaps then buy some and bring over when she comes to visit but luckily they can be bought in Ikea! Yeay!
I'm going to make a big batch of food and then freeze it. I refuse to buy ready made - it's just way too expensive!!

I'm going to try and take Jackson to the clinic today. I really do need to have him weighed, I've no idea how much he weighs! (I haven't been there since before Sweden). I'm sure that he's fine though, he doesn't seem malnourished.

Brooks mum and stepdad are throwing a Welcome party for Jackson. We looked over the guest list and there are about fifty people coming! Eeek! Well, if everyone turns up at the same time and depending on the weather then we might be in trouble.
It's so lovely of them to organise the party. Brooks and I don't have to do a thing, just turn up and enjoy the party, as it were! What a wonderful treat?!

I have to pack (again!) later today as we're off to Brighton on Sunday, staying over to Tuesday morning and I probably won't have time nor the energy to that tomorrow. We've been travelling loads recently. Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to get away and I love hotels!

1 comment:

  1. Herregud vad ni flänger =). Lycka till med maten, behöver ni recept är det bara att fråga men de flesta grönsaker är det bara att koka tills de blir mjuka och sen späda med antingen bröstmjölk, ersättning, vanlig mjölk eller kokvatten, dock får morötter inte spädas med kokvatten. Lycka till. Puss
